Don’t worry if you don’t have all the answers or you’re not sure what to prepare in advance of your appointment– that’s what we are here for…
We will guide you through every stage of the process imparting our knowledge, advice and tips along the way. Here are some of the main points that you will need to consider…

It goes without saying; this is the most important role you will ever have to consider. It’s a tough one to think about but without it, anyone can throw their hat into the ring.
Most families we speak to have a good idea who they would like to nominate for this role. Often it’s the case of them knowing who they don't want to be involved under any circumstances! A clear instruction in a valid Will document is vitally important to ensuring your wishes are understood.
A Guardian should be someone who you trust implicitly to care for any children who are under 18 at the date of your death. It is important to think about who the children would be most comfortable with. You should also consider who would be able to provide them with a similar home life, schooling and daily routines to what they were experiencing prior to your death.

Everybody needs to have somebody to step up and deal with the administration of winding up of your affairs.
Their main responsibilities include the identification and valuation of all of your assets and liabilities, any final tax issues and the eventual distribution of your assets to your named beneficiaries.
This can be someone you trust personally or a Professional appointment which we can arrange on your behalf.

This is where you get to decide who will benefit from any assets that you leave behind.
You will need to think about who you would like to be the main beneficiaries of your estate but you may also wish to leave a specific gift such as jewellery, a piece of furniture, the dog!

We will need to understand the value of your assets and liabilities (property, savings, mortgage, life insurance etc.)
This is so that we have a good overview of the structure of things but also so we can have a quick glance towards Inheritance Tax for you. This way we can make sure you have the full benefit of our advice.